Virtual Villager--The Beach
A rotten old crate washed up on shore, but my villagers pushed it back into the ocean. Other then that, nothing else happened before the beach was cleared, allowing the villagers to swim and eventually (hopefully) fish.
After seeing Tim's Game Diary, I started this blog to give me some incentive to actually finish some of the 461+ video games I have (of which I have finished 41.) Hope it works.
A rotten old crate washed up on shore, but my villagers pushed it back into the ocean. Other then that, nothing else happened before the beach was cleared, allowing the villagers to swim and eventually (hopefully) fish.
about 10 seconds after the last puzzle was solved, construction on the new hut was completed.
at this point an army of people whose brains were about to explode from Iceman's singing burst into the room and beat him sensless. for some unknown reason he kept singing for another seven minutes. In addition to Ironic, he also sang parts of Jingle Bells, London Calling, Seven Deadly Sins and the theme from Star Trek: The Next Generation with made up lyrics.
I got the Robo Rampage Skill Point when I turned Lunar City into a parking lot while fighting the Thugs-4-Less Leader as Giant Clank (this was on Dobbo. After that I stuck around Dobbo until I got the Mini Rocket Tube.
Labels: PS2, Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando
Not much has happened since the last post. Spirituality and construction tech were upgraded top level 2, and a new baby was born, the first new member of the village! and then, after some cork, the school was open for business.
Found a monkey trying to steal food. The villagers chased it and found 200 more food then as stolen. I bought level 2 Farming tech and had a villager study some of th plants on the island, resulting in Herb Mastery.
Just logged on after starting a new game and my Villagers cleared the well. I also lost one when he saw a face in the trees and went to investigate, never to be seen again. He had been working on building a new hut. I moved another villager, who still wasn't doing anything, to building it, but then realized I needed to get some tech points so I could start farming so he is now on the research table. Have three of my remaining adults chain ganged at the research table while the last one keeps foraging for food.
Didn't do too great last week. It was just a bad gaming week. Took forever for me to finish Dobbo in Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando, and I killed all my villagers in Virtual Villagers. Not sure how they all died, but they some how starved to death, even though there were plenty of berries on the berry bush.
Took forever to beat this world. Got the Tetrafiber Armor right away and my Nanotech level went up soon after that. Eventually got enough Bolts to buy the Synthenoids. Kept dieing, mostly because I would fall in the water and get eaten by the giant fish. This gave me plenty of chances to increase my Nanotech level and upgrade weapons. Eventually increased my level two more times and upgraded the Seeker Gun to the HK22 Gun.
Just found out they are making a Lego Indiana Jones game! From the sounds of it the game will cover the first three movies (Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull will have it's own game) and there will be no Nazis in it, but the games will follow the original storylines. This was probably done to make it easier to release internationally, since some countries don't like games with Nazis in them. Since there is no dialog in the Lego games, it shouldn't be to hard for them to change the story to take them out.
I got Virtual Villagers yesterday and started playing. When I fired up the game this morning, my first hut was done, but my main builder was sick and the berry bush, my villager's main food source, was depleted. So I grabbed all my villagers (after healing my main builder) and got them all on research. The sooner I can get to the next level of farming, the sooner I can find a new food source for them.
Just beat the B2 Brawler. Took a while. he kept knocking me off the platform, and as soon as I got back on it he would knock me off again. In the end I ended up going to Gamefaqs for help, but it turns out what I was doing was the same thing they recommended, so I just kept at it. after a few more tried I managed to take him out.
I did pretty good last week, accomplishing 5 goals.
Not much on this level, just a bunch of monsters to kill. Fought some new ones; Hidden, Corpse Captains, and Bloody Ones. I also fought several Unique monsters.
Another short planet. After falling into the mining area, I loaded up on ammo and started looking for a way out. On the way, I increased my nanotech level, upgraded my wrench, upgraded the Pulse Rifle to the Vaporizer I also caught up with the Thief, who turned out to be a girl and said that by giving the experiment to Fizzwidget, I may have doomed the galaxy.
After swinging by Slim Cognito's Ship Shack and upgrading my ship to the Advaced Shielding System and some cool looking Hi-Lift Wings, it was of to Siberius.
Lots happened on this level, which is impressive since there were only three missions.
I'm going to have to add more points to my Wii Points account. I just found out that Harvest Moon is available :) Plus I'm guessing that when they finally release Super Smash Bros Brawl, the original will be made available on the virtual console. In fact I wouldn't be suprised if that is why they pushed it back another month.
This was rather easy. All I had to do was defeat a bunch of Thugs-4-Less ships. 30 of them if I remember right. It wasn't to hard, and in the end I got a lead on where the Thief might be.
I didn't do to bad last week. Yeah I only got 2 goals done, but I did reach gold in Level 1 of Links Crossbow Training, so a total of 3 goals were done, even if one wasn't listed.
This level took longer then Level 1, if for no other reason then it was bigger and had a couple quests to complete on it. Took me about an hour total, killing more enamies, gaining a couple of levels, and making several trips to town to sell loot.
I decided to fire up the shooting gallery that is Link's Crossbow Training, and after some practice I managed to get a gold score on Level 1. Probably would have gotten Platinum but I ran out of time before I could get the last target in 1-3. Since I had only missed 1 target early in the level, I am guessing the multiplier would have gotten me enough points for Platinum.
This was a fun world, especially swinging through the ruins of the Gadgetron Factory with the Swingshot. While doing that I found my way to some guy frozen in a giant ice cube. Busted him out with the wrench and found out he worked at Gadgetron before they pulled out of the Bogon galaxy. Bought the Thermanator from him.
I did pretty good, completing half the goals for last week, I would have gotten the Transformers one as well, but I had some trouble with the second mission in the chapter. Over all, it was a good week of gaming. Even better news is I found the charger for the DS. Could have gotten it from my sisters since I was there this weekend anyways, but I didn't have to since it had just fallen between between the couch and the end table :)
I know I said I was going to the South Figaro Cave, but I changed my mind a bit. After Figaro Castle submerged under the sand, I fought two soldiers in Magitek Armor, took some Chocobo to the cave, fought some monsters, and got to South Figaro, where I upgraded my weapons and armor before saving. I also found what may be Sabin's house.
I rescued Clank, visited his apartment, and defeated the Thugs-4-less leader, for now. He wasn't that hard, I jsut kept throwing Multi-Stars at him. only took about 30 seconds. He did get a few shots off though,a nd since I was already low on health, he killed me at the same time I killed him.
I was just watching an episode of XPlay, and they did a review of Endless Ocean. If you've never heard of this game, basicly it's a scuba diving sim. They gave it 4 out of 5.