The Iceman's Game Journal

After seeing Tim's Game Diary, I started this blog to give me some incentive to actually finish some of the 461+ video games I have (of which I have finished 41.) Hope it works.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Protect The Batmobile--Batman: Arkham Asylum

Made my way out of the Intensive Treatment Center and found myself on the east side of the Island. After talking to the guards there, I learned that Joker's goons were trying to break into the Batmobile. I made my way to the North entrance and stopped them.

Also, apparently the Riddler has hacked my communication system and can talk to me. he left a bunch of riddles around the island, including the Riddle trophies, and wants me to try to solve them.

I completed a few more Riddler Challenges, Unlocked the bios for Amadeus Arkham, Bruce Wayne, and Jack Ryder. Unlocked the Frank Boles and Blackgate Prisoner trophies, and I got the Freeflow Combo X10 and Born Free achievements

I also got the Explosive Gel, which I can use to get solve a few more Challenges, which I will probably do before I go any further

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Find Officer Boles--Batman: Arkham Asylum

So one of the guards turned out to be working for Joker and kidnapped Commissioner Gordan

Crap. Now I have to look for him before going after Joker.

Made my way to the holding cells, where I found a flask that Boles had with him earlier. By following the vapor trail left behind (Boles likes the whiskey) I tracked him to the elevators, but Harley dropped them on me (and tore the Batsuit, which from the sounds of it gets more damaged as the game progresses!) Made my way to the top of the shaft and fought my way through Joker's goons till I found Boles. Unfortunately his usefulness wore off and Joker killed him.

I got the Rope-A-Dope-A-Dope achievement, a Spirit Of Arkham, and the bio for Frank Boles, as well as a few interview tapes

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Joker's Mutated Goon--Batman: Arkham Asylum

This game is really tough to do entries for. Either the entries would be rather short, or they could be rather long. Case in point, I went from a short time after this post (1% of the game complete) to 8% complete and didn't have any clearly defined places where I could do one! so I started over in a separate save file and will basically decide every once in a while to do one!

After escaping the Prisoner Pacification Room (where I fought Zsasz) I made it to Decontamination, which Joker had flooded with Joker Gas. I rescued a few guards, as well as one of Joker's goons and turned on the fans to suck the gas out. After that it was on to the Secure Treatment Transfer room, where Joker was waiting for me with a mutated goon. Not sure how it was mutated, looked like it had been pumped full of VENOM, but I'm sure that is part of the story. Joker got away after I fought the goon, but I'll find him.

I unlocked the bio for Harley Quinn and got the Leave No Man Behind and Malpractice Makes Perfect achievements.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Shocking Rescue--Batman: Arkham Asylum

Joker Escaped, and it's up to Batman to stop him and an entire Asylum full of bad guys.


Chasing after Joker, I learned that Zsasz had taken a guard hostage and was threatening to kill him. I grappled behind him and took him out with a Glide Kick.

Seems that Joker has placed bombs all over Gotham (and Harley has a new outfit. Hello Nurse!) But what is he really up to?

I got the Shocking Rescue and Freeflow Combo 5 achievements and unlocked the Batman Trophy, Challenge Mode, and the Batman, Joker, Warden Sharp, Oracle, Commissioner Gordan, and Riddler bios. And I apparently solved 2 of the Riddler's riddles. Not sure how I got the second one though. Oh well, back to stopping Joker :)

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Friday, August 21, 2009

500th Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't do this for the 400th post, and really, on here I don't really care. But 500 is a big milestone, so I figured I would commemorate it :)

Even more surprising, I spelt commemorate right on the first try!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Ok, I actually got these yesterday, with the Lego one close to midnight I'm guessing, but either it didn't pop up and say "Achievement unlocked" or I missed it and didn't know it until I fired up the 360 and saw that my Gamescore was higher then it was before.

The important part is I GOT 100%!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm a little sad right now. I can't play my 360 :(

Actually I can, but I don't really want to. The reason is because on Thursday (or maybe Friday) my new 22 inch HD monitor will be here :) I could play but I will have to replay those parts in HD later :) Some are easy, like Lego Batman. I will have to play through the levels I've beaten already in free play anyways, so no big deal. Other games, like RE5, there is really no reason to play through it again, but I will anyways. pick up a few more achievements and beat it at a higher difficulty level if nothing else.

I might have to buy or build some sort of Jerry-rigged way to make the Wii and PS2 work with it, I will have a bigger screen to work on the comic and my writing (and web surfing as well) be able to do all that stuff more comfortably, and will be able to play the 360 in High Def :)

Until then, there is always the Wii, Ps2, and Multiplayer Call Of Duty :)

Thursday, August 06, 2009

lol. this is funny.

I was just playing COD: World at War. not too big a shock there, until you realize I was playing SINGLE PLAYER!!!!9pauses as the shocked Non-Exsistant Readers recover) and I get a message saying that I was disconnected from Live. no big deal, I try reconnecting a few times and I can't.

so I go online and see that Live is down at the moment. No big deal, but I am curious to see what caused the unexpected outage. Instead I see that the site is running slow and I can't log on (server is too busy.) fortunatly I can get into the forums without logging on.

You would think it was the freaking apocalypse the way some of these idiots are reacting . all the messages have theis sort of "I'm-a-junkie-and-i-need-my-fix" feel to them, like they can't handle the thought of not being on Live for more then a minutes (to be fair, it's been about a half hour now)

My favorite part are the ones that think that this is affecting the whole Microsoft network, because the forum is running slow. Now, maybe it's runnign slow because idiots like you are spamming the reload key waiting for the Xbox Live statuf light to turn from red to green.

If he were still up, I would love to see Bug's reaction to this right now. Unfortunatly he was supposed to be in bed at 10 :(

What can I say, I'm an evil uncle. I like torturing him with classic games like Doom and watching him go crazy cause he can't be on live >:)

At least someone was the voice of reason
Me 5... WTF!!!...

I pay 50 bucks a year for this damn thing to work... Not stop working in the middle of me playing.

$50.00 a year

$0.13-0.14 a day

$0.0057 an hour

How long has it been down for you? Do you want your pennies back?

For a service as continually stressed and used as much as XBL is it's absolutely amazing that it doesn't go down a lot more. Stop crying.

On person did say that they hoped that there was a code for a free month on the way for all members because of this. While I wouldn't be supposed to a free month, it's only been a few minutes. GET A LIFE!!!!!!

UPDATE 2--11:22 PM
Just ran a connection test, Live is back up and running. now those idiots can return to their precious drug.