The Iceman's Game Journal

After seeing Tim's Game Diary, I started this blog to give me some incentive to actually finish some of the 461+ video games I have (of which I have finished 41.) Hope it works.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Wii Tennis--First win

YEAH! I just won my first game of Wii Tennis! it was a best of 3 match. I won the first and third rounds. Took quite a few losses, but I finaly won one!.

UPDATE: I just won a second best of 3 match. I dominated the first round, not letting them score a single point. the second one was a lot better, but I still one. Going to have to try a best of 5 match now.

UPDATE 2: I won the best of 5 match, and tried for another one, but my winning streak ended at 7 games. going to have to try to break that

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Wii Are Home!!!!!


They had one left!!!!

Obviously I just got home from Walmart with my Wii. I also got Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Can't wait to hook it up. Unfortunately I will have to. Justice League is on and I have to eat, so I will watch that while I eat, then I will hook it up.

It was actually kind of scary getting it. Not because I was afraid they wouldn't have one, but because my psycho Ex-GF's sister was working in electronics at the time. like I said, scary.

I am a bit concerned though. I didn't know that Walmart took out the money for checks electronically now. Might just be for big purchases like this, but I am still worried. the bill came to $318.56. I currently have about $35 in my account. I planned on doing a night deposit tomorrow after church, but if they take it out before it gets entered in, then the check will bounce.

Oh well. if it happens, it happens. they have my phone number, they can call and I will tell them what happened. it should be ok.

Well, after talking it over with J.P., I am going to Walmart after play practice to get a Wii. Assuming they still have one that is. They had 2 last night, but that was 24 hours ago. They may be out by now.

Of course all they have is the white ones, but I will paint it or something.

Hope they have one. J.P. already accepted responsibility in case I miss Church tomorrow night because I am playing. I would hate to not take advantage of that. :)

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Resident Evil 4: Seperate Ways--Chapter 5

Turns out Krauser wasn't dead after all. Had to fight him, and took him out the same way I did when playing as Leon.

Next up came a fight against Saddler. That was a tough one. Had to use a bunch of healing supplies, and I died plenty fighting him. In the end, I took him out; or so I thought.

Saddler caught me, Leo rescued me, and then it was a race against time to get to the super rocket launcher. Barely made it.

Got the sample and am headed home. mission accomplished.

Parts of Seperate Ways were good, but infortunatly the cutscenes were mostly stuff I had already scene. Oh well. Got a new weapon, some new videos added to the movie browser, and Ada's Report unlocked. Now on to Assingment Ada

Resident Evil 4: Seperate Ways--Chapter 4

Well, I kept Krauser from killing Leon in a knife fight, and then Leo took out Krauser by himself.

Now back to looking for that sample. Have to get it from Sadler, before it is to late.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Resident Evil 4: Seperate Ways--Chapter 3

I had to get the sample from Luis, but Saddler got his hands on it after killing Luis.

Afterwards, Whesker sent Krauser to kill Leon. Goona have to keep that from happening.

Harvest Moon--Win The Spring Horse Race


I won my first horse race. I got a Power Berry for winning, and then I baought another won with the medels I won. I had plenty of medels left over; since I had bet the max amount possible on each race and won, I ended up with about 7000 medals. I bought the Jewel of Truth and the Power Berry and then bought a bunch of broaches. I ended up spending a huge amount of cash, but when I sold the broachs, I ended up with 10 times the money I spent, so it was all good.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I've been out of the loop for a bit, so I just heard about this.

Same thing happened to me when I bought Trauma Center. I figured it was a good idea, since the DS game cases could easily be stuck in a pocket. This would be a good way to prevent shoplifting.

Now that I know that it happens for other systems as well, I'm not so sure. after all, the used games are in the cases, so why can't the new ones.

Had I known this, I still would have bought Trauma Center. I checked other places in the area and couldn't find it new, so I didn't really have a choice. but in the future, you better believe I'm only buying new games from Gamestop if I have no other choice.

PETA VS Duck Hunt?

I was watching this video on Joystiq and I got to thinking that it would be hard to make a game like Duck Hunt, or a remake of Duck Hunt, today. As soon as such a high profile game was announced, groups like PETA would be all over it.

Games like Deer Hunter were ok, because it was small enough (partially because it was on PC) that they got away with it, and later games in the genre have recieved attention from Animal Rights Groups.

with rumors of a new Duck Hunt Game floating around, as well as the likely release of the game on the VC, you can bet that the animal rights groups will make their voices heard.

Now if you will excuse me, I have to a sudden urge to do some hunting. I jsut wish I could shoot that stupid dog.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Finaly A Reason To Get A PS3?

First there is the rumor of God Of War 3 for PS3, and now the next Ratchet and Clank game, Tools Of Destruction, will be on the system.

Is it worth getting a PS3 for 2 games? no, but it makes me want one more. Tools Of Destruction looks great, and it looks like some of the leverls see you returning to places from the first game (sorry, I forget the worlds. might have to load up the game and find out later.

Here is the trailer

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Guitar Hero: 80's Edition

Looks like they are making an 80's version of Guitar Hero (See here.)

Add to that the fact that Neversoft is working on Guitar Hero 3, and the future looks bright for Guitar Hero fans.

Might need to wear shades.

On a related note, it looks like Activision (the company that owns neversoft) has trade marked the names Drum hero and Guitar Villian. Not sure about Guitar Villian, but Drum Hero sounds cool. can't wait for that one.

Super Paper Mario Video

Check this out.

Saw this on Penny Archade (here) and had to say something about it, so I did.

There are some other ones on there as well, but I haven't watched them yet.

UPDATE: Found it on YouTube

Monday, April 02, 2007

No Weekly Challenges This Month

I'm going to take the month off to get caught up on my writing.

That doesn't mean I won't be playing games, I just won't be playing as much, and I might not play enough to make it worth setting goals.

As I said, I will be playing, and if I reach any Goal like, well goals, I will be sure to post about it.

Resident Evil 4: Seperate Ways--Chapter 2

I beat chapter 2 last night. Wasn't too tough to rescue Luis, because there was no rescuing involved. Th bad guys took him away before I could get there, followed them, and then I ran into him walking out of the house after the gunfight in the house.

Oh well. atleast I learned of a better way to beat the trolls. I learned that you could just slash at the Plagas while fighting the two in the lava pit during the main story. that time I just blasted them in the face with my shotgun. I found out that taking out their knee caps was better :)

So I grabbed the TMP and opened fire. few slashes later and Los Illuminados was one troll short :)

Now to see what my next mission is.