The Iceman's Game Journal

After seeing Tim's Game Diary, I started this blog to give me some incentive to actually finish some of the 461+ video games I have (of which I have finished 41.) Hope it works.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

14,000 Points!!!!!!

I am now at 14,000 Game Score!  The achievement that put me over was A Superstar Is Born! in WWE 2K14.  I was playing as Iceman (a created character) Against Santino Marella.  It looked like I might lose after he nailed me with the Cobra, but fortunately for me I had accidentally speared the ref earlier and he was still out.  By the time the ref recovered, I was able to nail Santino with another Spear and connect with Sonic Rotation to get the win.

Much faster this time.  Only 5 months to go from 13,000 to 14,000.  I blame Assassin's Creed handing out achievements like candy at the moment.  Yes i have to work for it, but it isn't too hard right now.  for me anyways. Someone like one of my nephews who just tore through the game wouldn't be getting much now.  and that is why I have several achievements that he doesn't.


Saturday, November 02, 2013

How many games have I beaten

I was curious to see how many games, including multiple play throughs, I have beaten since I started this journal VS before I started it.  Granted I had to guess for a few of the older games for NES, and I had to check the archives to see if any games I knew I had gotten since I started this were in there (found 2 that I thought I beat before I started the Journal) but over all, I was surprised at the results.

Before I get started, I have beaten a total of 41 games in my life time.  Not many, but considering my Attention Deficit SQUIRREL!! I SEE A SQUIRREL!!  where was I?  who knows.  On tot he results.

Before I started the journal, I had beaten a total of 17 games at least once and a total of 71 games overall!  This is mostly due to beating several Nintendo games multiple times.

Since I started it, I have beaten a total of 24 games at least once and 28 games over all.

So...I would say the game journal is working (or at least kind of working.  had hoped to have beaten more then that by now.)

Assuming I started gaming in 1986 (20 years before I started this, and probably pretty close to when I got my NES, which I think I got for Christmas 1985) that means I have beaten more games at least once in the 7 years since I started then I did in the 20 years before.  Assuming at least 3 games a year, which is what I have done so far, I will have beaten 63 games by the time this journal is 20 years old.  That is more then 3 times how many I beat before I started it.  Granted I had annoying stuff like Homework before that, as well as having to share with my sister and other annoying, usually apparently induced, stuff, I didn't play as much as I probably do now, and I didn't have as many games as I do now due to lack of income (Allowances only go so far) but I still say that is pretty impressive.

BTW.  if I do beat at least 3 games a year from now on, the grand total will be 80 games I have beaten at least once.
