The Iceman's Game Journal

After seeing Tim's Game Diary, I started this blog to give me some incentive to actually finish some of the 461+ video games I have (of which I have finished 41.) Hope it works.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Resident evil 4: Seperate Ways--Chapter 1

I decided to play the Ada missions before I played throught the game again in pro mode.

Got throught the first mission. I died a few tiems, but I made it through. it kind of stinks that there are fewer typewriters, but that makes it harder, and there for better.

It is kind of cool to see what is going on behind the scnees. I just figured that Sadler rang the bell in the church that lured away the zeds. turns out it was Ada. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to rescue Luis.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Resident Evil 4--Final Chapter


That was easier then it had any right to be.

WWAAYY to easy.

I thought it would be tough, after all, Krauser and Salazaer were tough, and Sadler is the final boss, so it should be the toughest fight yet, right?


I nailed him with both sets of girders, and blasted him with a few shots from my shotgun and my magnum both times (respectivly.) I tried to get him with the fire barrals, but my timing was off and I missed with both of them.

I ran around the lvel trying to find something to knock him down again. I had died a few times already trying to scout out the battlefield, but I couldn't find anything.

Then I remembered he had eyes on his legs I blasted him with the shotgun, and shot his eye with my magnum. That was it, a total of about 6 shots and then Ada threw the super rocket launcher, which I used to finish Sadler off.

6 shots to take out the final boss

Like I said, way too easy.

Oh well, I unlocked 3 new modes, as well as 2 new weapons and professional mode. Maybe he will be harder to beat in pro mode

Monday, March 26, 2007

Weekly Challenges--March 26-April 1, 2007

Didn't do so well last week. I finished the Resident Evil 4 goals, but not the Mario & Luigi or Super Mario World goals.

I could have finished the Mario & Luigi goal, but Joke's end was a lot tougher then I thought. I'm going to have to do some power leveling before heading back.

This week, I just have 1 goal, finish Resident Evil 4. I hope to concentrate on my writing, so I won't have much time for games, but I want to finish Resident Evil 4 before April, for reason that will be explained next week.

On to this week's goals.

1.) Finish Resident Evil 4.

Resident Evil 4--Chapter 5-4

I beat 5-4 last night right before leaving for church. After church I went to bed, and I just forgot to post this earlier today

Rescued Ashley, got my butt kicked by Sadler, and with some help from Ada, escaped. After that, not much to report. Killed a bunch of bad guys, got some upgraded gear, and got the Plagas out of our bodies. Next up, the Final Chapter.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Resident Evil 4--Chapter 5-3

Beat 5-4 earlier today. Definetly one of the coolest cut scenes I've scene in a long time, the knife fight against Krauser.

Fighting IT was pretty cool too. I wastes a bunch of ammo when he entered this third form, but I beat him.

The fight against Krauser was tough. He only killed me once, the rest of the time I died it was because I ran out of time (fighting him before that was pretty cool, and tough, as well. Finaly I checked Gamefaqs, and they said to just use the knife. I didn't think it would work, but it took him out, no problem.

That was a little dissapointing.

Oh well. Time to find Ashley.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Resident Evil 4--Chapter 5-2

Just finished 5-2. Why didn't anyone say anything about those spike regenerators taking a few extra hits to kill? this level stinks (literaly, part of it is in a waste disposal unit.)

the part on the back of the truck was fun, but I didn't like the fact that most of my shotgun blasts sent them off the back of the truck. I couldn't get their loot that way.

Oh well. In the end, Sadler kidnapped Awshley, so I am by myself again.


Resident Evil 4--Chapter 5-1

Accually I beat it last night, but I wasn't able to post because my computer was being stupid.

I beat Chapter 5-1. Took a while, not because I died alot, it just took a long time to beat it.Talked to Caleb, and it seems that while I was playing witht he Chaingun guy, it took longer then it should have. oh well, I had fun.

The fight against the regenerators before I got the thermal scope was great too, very slasher film-esk.

Now that I have Ashley, it's onto chapter 5-2

Monday, March 19, 2007

Resident Evil 4--Chapter 4-4

Opps. Thought I had posted about this last night, but I guess I didn't

I fought my way to Salazar, who turned into this giant one eyes monster. Took a few tries, but I beat it:)

I finaly got rid of that little Nepolean wanna-be SOB.

I also managed to restock my ammo and healing supplies. They were getting low, and while I had upgraded a bunch of my weaponry before the fight, the extra ammo will come in handy.

After kicking his midget butt, I tried to reach the boat before they took Ashley away, but was too late. Ada was waiting for me with another boat though.

Now it's off to the Island, and a work out for my Boomstick.

Weekly Challenge-March 19-March 25 2007

YES! Three weeks in a row!

Ok, so I didn't finish the Super Mario World goal, but in my defense, some stuff came up late in the week which prevented me from playing many games. I did manage to get through Donut Plains and find all the secret exits there though.

Ok, time for this weeks goals.

1.) Finish Chapter 5 of Resident Evil 4.
2.) Get Through Joke's End and rescue Princess Peach in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
3.) Complete Vanilla Dome with all secret exits in Super Mario World.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Resident Evil 4--Chapter 4-3

After several tries, I made it through the level. After fighting those Chainsaw freaks several times, I got the Key to the Mines and got onto the mine car ride. It would have been more fun with out the bad guys trying to kill me. Oh well. My boomstick enjoyed it.

Now I suppose I have to go find Ashley and save her just so that she can be captured once again next chapter.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Resident Evil 4--Chapter 4-2

Made my way out of the mines, killing a bunch of those bugs on the way. Almost ran out of ammow for everything except my pistol while fighting that cave troll thing, but I managed to take it out. Dropped one into the lava, which helped.

Just rode an elevator out of the mines, time to find Ashley.

Resident Evil 4--Chapter 4-1

Just finished Chapter 4-1, and man was it tough. used a lot of health items, mainly fighting that Xenomorph like thing. As far as I know, there is no way to beat it, but there must be one. I got onto the elevator before I could stop it, so I might have to check Gamefaqs or ask Caleb tomarrow at work.

Not only that, but the sent more of those blind Wolvie wannabes after me, and this time one of them was in armor.

At least it was fun shooting those bugs, my boomstick loved that. adn Ashley got captured, so I don't ahve to worry about her for a bit.

Now on to 4-2. looks like Sadler is sending some spec op guy after me.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Resident Evil 4--Chapter 3-4

Opps, jumped the gun a bit on Chapter 4.

After having some fun with my Sniper Rifle, I got to play as Ashley!

[sarcasticly] yeah

Who ever decided it would be a good idea to have a level where you have to play as Ashley should be taken out into the street and shot, or atleast forced to share his stash, because he must have some good stuff.

Atleast it was fun making her crawl under stuff :)

Now back to escorting her around and shooting stuff. I missed my boom stick.

MArio & Luigi--Beanstar part 4

At last, something that was an accuall challenge. I had to go searching for the Bean fruit (which was marked on my map, but it was better then nothing) and fight a boss!

Still not as difficult to get as the first one, but better then the last 2.

So I have all 4 parts of the Bean Star, went back to the castle, reassembled them, got the fake beanstar and Peach's extra dress (why do I get the feeling one of the bros will be wearing it soon) and my money from the bet I made with the prince. unfotunatly the exchange rate there is worse then Dollars to Pesos. all those mushroom choins only equaled 99 bean coins!

Oh well, better then nothing.

Now I have to go to Joke's end, but that will have to wait until next week.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Mario & Luigi--Beanstar part 3

Man I'm getting sick of this. At least this time there was a boss fight involved, but Popple was easy to beat. In fact the hardest part was when he started throwing stuff at me, and that was just a timing issue on my part.

Ok, it was tough when he stole my hammers and hit me with them. wait, tough isn't the right word, more like annoying. but once I got the timing figured out, I didn't have to worry about it any more.

Now I have to figure out where the last part is. hopefully it will accually be a challenge to get it.

I explored the area, but havn't got a clue where it is, and the game isn't giving me any clues. I will try a few more times, but if I have to, I'll check Gamefaqs.

Weekly Challenge-March 12-March 18 2007


Not only did I finish all of my goals, which I think has only happened a couple of times, but I also am posting a new set of goals on time!

Ok, so I didn't finish the Super Mario World goal, but 1.) It was a bonus goal, so I don't have to finish it, and 2.) when I went to play, I found that all m saved game files were missing. I managed to get through the Ghost House in Donut Plains, but that is it, and I didn't find the hidden exit in either Donut Plains 1 or the Ghost House (I think there is one in there.)

Not onto this weeks challenges.

1.) Finish Chapter 4 in Resident Evil 4.
2.) Find the rest of the Bean Star in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
3.) Clear the Vanilla Dome in Super Mario World

Bonus Challenge
Find all Secret Exits in Donut Plains and Vanilla Dome in Super Mario World.

Resident Evil 4--Complete Chapter 3-3

Accually I beat it a few days ago, but never posted about it.

After ruining what I am sure was a good bottle of wine, I got into a cage match against one of those blind guy's with claws. I shot my way out, killed some more monks, and took out the Wolverine wanna-be. After that it wasn't too hard to finish the chapter.

Only got 18 kills this chapter :( Hopefully I will get more next chapter.

After watching Sadler kill Louise, I saw Ashley below me. not I just have to figure out how to get to her.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Resident Evil 4--Complete Chapter 3-2

After fighting a crap load of Monks (including one with a huge gattling gun) and having to sulve a puzzle (had to check Gamefaqs for that one) it was on to the maze.

Salazar sent his dogs after me, but after playing Old Yeller with them, I got the parts to the moonshine and unlocked the door to end the chapter.

got to meet up with Ada again, and not it's time to look for Ashley.

My Boomstick is getting bored.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Resident Evil 4--Complete Chapter 3-1

Turns out I was closer to the end of the chapter then I thoguth and could have finished it last night, but I didn't know.

Oh Well.

After watching Ashley get captured and talking to Salazaar, It's down to the sewers to finder before he does.

Now if you will excuse me, I have some bugs with cloaking devices to deal with. As J.H. and D.M like to say, that is why I saved that Shot Gun Shell.

I prefere that's why I brought my Boomstick!

MArio & Luigi--Beanstar part 2

Well that was easy. In fact, it was too easy. So easy it was stupid.

I got home from work, ate lunch (Long Live Taco Tuesday!) and picked up my SP to play some Mario & Luigi while watching Mythbusters. Less then 10 minutes later, I had the second piece of the Beanstar.

It would have been one thing if I had just gone right to a boss and vaped it, but nnnooo! How do I get the Beanstar? By spitting water at flying things and decorating a t-shirt!

For the first peice of the Beanstar, I had to explore 2 areas, solve several puzzles, and defeat a boss. For the second one all I had to do was design a T-Shirt! I could understand if this was towards the begining of the game. After all, it would be a great challenge for someone just starting out in the game. But this is about halfway through the game! there is no excuse for it to be this easy.

I did some exploring after I got it and I think I know where the third piece is. hopefully it is harder to get then the second one.

Monday, March 05, 2007

MArio & Luigi--Beanstar part 1

It wasn't one of the goals, but apparently I had forgotten that I didn't have the first part of the Beanstar yet. I was close though, and after some exploring I managed to work my way to Hermie III. After a relativly easy battle, I defeated him to get the first part of the Beanstar.

After restocking my supplies and getting some new gear, I am near the area where thesecond piece can be found.

Weekly Challenge-March 5-March 11, 2007

This is starting to become a trend. Once again, in my defense, I took February off to write. I did play some games, but it was more to relax then anything else.

Fortunatly, with me working during the day more, plus the fact that Adult Swim sucks after Aqua Teen is over, means I will have time to play more console games. Plus I have been playing a lot of Gameboy recently. infact I am cutting the list of games down to two, for now anyways.

On to this week's goals.

1.) Finish Chapter 3 in Resident Evil 4 (divied into sub chapters)
2.) Get the second Beanstar Piece in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

Bonus Goal
Beat Vinilla Dome in Super Mario World.

Weekly Challenge-March 5-March 11, 2007

This is starting to become a trend. Once again, in my defense, I took February off to write. I did play some games, but it was more to relax then anything else.

Fortunatly, with me working during the day more, plus the fact that Adult Swim sucks after Aqua Teen is over, means I will have time to play more console games. Plus I have been playing a lot of Gameboy recently. infact I am cutting the list of games down to two, for now anyways.

On to this week's goals.

1.) Finish Chapter 3 in Resident Evil 4 (divied into sub chapters)
2.) Get the second Beanstar Piece in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.