The Iceman's Game Journal

After seeing Tim's Game Diary, I started this blog to give me some incentive to actually finish some of the 461+ video games I have (of which I have finished 41.) Hope it works.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Resident Evil 4--Final Chapter


That was easier then it had any right to be.

WWAAYY to easy.

I thought it would be tough, after all, Krauser and Salazaer were tough, and Sadler is the final boss, so it should be the toughest fight yet, right?


I nailed him with both sets of girders, and blasted him with a few shots from my shotgun and my magnum both times (respectivly.) I tried to get him with the fire barrals, but my timing was off and I missed with both of them.

I ran around the lvel trying to find something to knock him down again. I had died a few times already trying to scout out the battlefield, but I couldn't find anything.

Then I remembered he had eyes on his legs I blasted him with the shotgun, and shot his eye with my magnum. That was it, a total of about 6 shots and then Ada threw the super rocket launcher, which I used to finish Sadler off.

6 shots to take out the final boss

Like I said, way too easy.

Oh well, I unlocked 3 new modes, as well as 2 new weapons and professional mode. Maybe he will be harder to beat in pro mode


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