The Iceman's Game Journal

After seeing Tim's Game Diary, I started this blog to give me some incentive to actually finish some of the 461+ video games I have (of which I have finished 41.) Hope it works.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Megaman--Beat Gutsman

I had forgotten how short Gutsman's level was. Still took me a few continues to beat him though, mostly because of that platform section right at the begining.

Next up, Elecman. Need his weapon to beat Iceman, who's weapon I need to beat Fireman.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Weekly Challenges--December 25-December 31, 2006

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Sorry about not posting any new challenges last week, but between Work and various holiday related stuff, I didn't have much time to play games.

I did achieve the Harvest Moon goal, and am currently about 10 days into spring, with 20 plots for my crops.I need to train the Harvest Sprites more since they are just barely getting all of the watering done on time, but that's ok. Unfortunaty I did lose Baked, one of my chickens. I recently hatched Baked 2, and I should have all of my chickens back in a few more days.

I didn't even come close to finishing the GTA3 goal, but I have a good reason. I went to play it, but I had the wrong memory card in, so it loaded the game from the start. Since it has been a while since I played the start of the game, I decided to replay it from the start. shouldn't take too long to get caught up, since I'n not too far into the game.

Here are this week's challenges.

1.) Finish the Luigi Missions in GTA 3.
2.) Beat 2 more bosses in Megaman.
3.) Complete the next 2 missions in Star Wars Battlefront 2.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Harvest Moon: Finish Winter Year 1

I finished Winter: Year 1. Accually I finished a little while ago, and am currently on Spring 2. I did pretty good, earning only a few thousand less then I did in the Summer (Spring is no longer showing on the balence sheet, so I don't know for certain, but I think I did better then I did in the spring.

I also expanded my barn, my chicken coop (although that might have been at the end of Fall. I don't remember) and I got Gray up to a green heart. Unfortunatly, because of a snowstorm and 2 days of festivals that he didn't attend, he went back down to blue. I also got Glue up to 8 hearts :)

As I reported the other day I did have some set backs, with 2 chickens dieing. Fortunatly thier replacements have hatched and should be laying eggs soom.

I think I should do well this spring, In addition to planting more plots , I hope to have 2 harvest sprites wither watering or harvesting at all times.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Harvest Moon: R.I.P. BBQ and Ala King

Damn it. I just lost 2 of my chickens. They were sick and I forgot to get them medicine. The next day was Sunday (chicken shop was closed) and the day after that I was snowed in. So I was going to get them medicine the next day. I was on my way to the chicken shop when the phone rang, so I hit pause and answered the phone. Unfortunatly I accidently hit B when I put the SP down and by the time I hung up and noticed it, the chicken shop was closed!

Damn telemarketter. I blame you for their deaths.

So now I have to hatch or buy 2 new chickens. I have on in the incubator right now, and shall name it BBQ2.

Reservoir Dogs: The Game

I just saw the X-Play review of Reservoir Dogs the game and they said it sucked. I expected that, since, as the point out in the review, most games based on movies suck.

I have to admit though, I almost bought this game. Not because I thought it looked like fun. Nope. I almost bought it because Walmart had it packaged with a copy of the movie and available for PS2 and PC.

In the end though I took the smarter choice and just bought the 10th anniversery edition. it was cheaper and I don't have a crappy game.

This is a good thing.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Fallout MMO?

Sounds like Interplay hopes to save themselves by making a Fallout MMo.

I really hope it works, because I have always been a fan of Interplay, ever since I played the original Bard's Tale and Descent. I loved the Fallout games, and would love to play an MMO based in the Fallout universe.

Interplay has been around since almost the start of the PC gaming industry. I hope they can survive, because it would be a shame to see on of the originals fall.

Which Street Fighter To Buy?

According to this story on Joystiq Street Fighter 2 might be heading to the Wii's Virtual Console. The question raised is should you buuy the original version for the Wii, or the multiplayer version for the 360 for only $2 more.

My answer? Neither. I'll just play the Anniversery edition for PS2 :)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Wii Dominated Japan

With all three of the now current-gen systems released in both the US and Japan, it seems that Nintendo has regained their dominance in Japan. So far (according to this report) the Wii had sold 400,000 units in Japan, which is nearly twice the number of PS3s sold (180,000). 360 Continues in the Xbox's footsteps by selling only 170,000 units to date.

Here in the states, the battle between PS3 and Wii is about the same, with nearly 500,000 wiis sold, vs about 200,000 ps3s. Obviously both systems have a ways to got inorder to catch up to the 360, swhich has sold nearly 3.8 million units. Based on the current sales, I doubt that the PS3 will over take either system, but Wii is well on it's way to catching up to the 360.

Weekly Challenges--December 11-December 17, 2006

Opps. I forgot to post this week's challenges.

I suppose I should give an update on last week's challenges.

I didn't get squat done, but not for lack of trying. I gave myself too big of a goal for Harvest Moon. When I posted the challenges I was on the 5th of Winter. The problem is the game gets rather monotonous in Winter, and I can only stand playing a couple of days at a time before I get bored.

As for the GTA 3 goal, I forgot how much I suck at driving in that game. since I spent most of my time trying to complete the Diablo's mission, I didn't even get started on the other goal.

And of course, I once again negelected Warcraft.

I think I will just repost last week's goals, slightly modified.

1.) Finish the first 3 scenarios in the Human Campaign of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans.
2.) Finish Winter Year 1 in HArvest Moon: More Friends Of Mineral Town
3.) Complete the Turismo mission in Grand Theft Auto 3

Dragon Quest IX Coming To The DS

Saw on Joystiq that Dragon Quest IX is coming to the DS, instead of the PS3 or even the 360.

It's cool that the Dragon Quest series is returnign to the company that started it all (Dragon Quest, better known in the states as Dragon Warrior, was for the NES) but I can't help but wonder if the DS can match the level of graphics that DQ VIII had.

Update" Wired has a great article explaining why DQ IX should be on the DS. Also, according to the Wikipesid entery for the series there is a game for the Wii in the works :) The name of the Wii game will be Dragon Quest: The Masked Queen and The Tower. It is expected to be out sometime inthe Spring of 2007 and will probobly be more of a first person game, like Elder Scrolls.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Assorted Stuff

I haven't read Penny Arcade for about a week, so I was playing catch up when I saw a few interesting news items. First, it seems that they are making a Firefly MMO.

I have to admite, I never watched Firefly. I heard it was a great show, with a great movie. I really hope that the MMO does well, because it would be a shame for a series with a fan base like Firefly's to crash and burn.

Speaking of crashing, I also saw this (scroll down until you get to Gabe's first post.)It seems Penny Arcade's World Of Warcraft Guild took part in a massive raid a while back. There were so many people that the server crashed! Check out the pick.

I just hope that either A.) the lag isn't too bad and I can play on that server or B.) the server I end up playing on has a brantch of the Renny Arcade Alliance.

100th Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was about to post something else, when I realized that this is post number 100!!! YEAH!!!

I think the first hundred posts have goon good. 46 challenges completed and 2 games finished, with a third nearly done. hopefully I can do better in the next 100 posts.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Weekly Challenges--December 4-december 10, 2006

well, NaNoWriMo is over. if you wnat to see what I got done, here is the full report.

With NaNoWriMo done, it is time to get back to work with some new challenges. YOu would think that being out of work would have allowed me to play a lot of games, but for some reason I was kind of depressed and just alyed there watching T.V. for most of the time (something to do with the fact that the place I had worked for the last 9 1/2 years had just closed and I was out of work for the first time since the summer before my senior year of High School.)

I did get a few more skill points in Ratchet and Clank, and I did complete the EWR long term challenge, but that was about it. Most of the time I was playing games, I was playing Harvest Moon, Transformers, or GTA3.

Speaking of Harvest Moon, a quick update on how I'm doing. I made it through the su,,er amd fall, and made a decent amount of money during that time. I expanded my chicken coopp and house, got a bunch of stuff from the shopping channel, and am currently watching the Iron Chef-esq show to learn new recipies. I got all the Harvest Sprites to the point where they are willing to help me and am currently training them during the winter. Cat (the dog) is up to 4 hearts and Glue (the horse) is at 6. I hatched three more chicked, named Baked, BBQ, and Ala King, and got two more cows, named T-Bone and Ribeye to help me through the winter months. Sir Loin is also giving Medium Milk now. I got a sheep (Gyro) and I also got most of my tools up to Mystrile (All I have left to upgrade is the sickle and fishing pole.) and Gray is up to purple heart.

I also got World Of Warcraft. I tried it when it first came out, but I couldn't afford it then. To tell the truth I can't really afford it now either, but I have 40 days before I have to pay. I will be using a 10 day trial to see how it runs and if it runs fine, then I will install the retail version. if it doesn't, then I have a few months to upgrade my system before my characters are deleted.

Now on to this week's goals!

1.) Finish the first 3 scenarios in the Human Campaign of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans.
2.) Finish Winter Year 1 in HArvest Moon: More Friends Of Mineral Town
3.) Complete the Turismo and Cipriani's Chauffeur missions in Grand Theft Auto 3

Friday, December 01, 2006

Wii Beats PS3

I just finished watching the Wii Launch episode of X-Playand I have to say, even for a Nintendow fan like me, I was impressed. I missed the first review (Red Steel) but I saw the rest and they all got 4 stars or better (LEgend Of Zelda for 5 stars) One of the coolest parts (other then seeing Twilight Princess in action) Was the Madden 07 review, where they said that the Wii version reinvented the franchise!

One theme that kept coming up in each review I saw was fun. Each of the games have been fun to play. That is something Nintendo is known for. They may not always have th biggest game or the prettiest, but the really good games for the system are just fun, and that is more important to me then graphics. Normally I have to have a good story to really get into a game, but if it is just fun to play (like Guitar Heros) that will keep me coming back as well.

About the only complaint I heard, other then the fact that you will have to get use to the controls, is the fact taht Twilight Princess looks like a good Gamecube game, which is something I have heard before and that is basicly what it is. It wasn't until the game was almost done that it was decided to release a Wii version, so it makes sense that it would look like a cube game.

This, plus the fact that it has out sold PS3 with less problems and had better games at launch then PS3 or 360, means that Nintendo has past the first hurtle towards returning to their place of dominance in the console wars. If they can maintain this lead, the only thing that will stand in their way is the 360. Can Mario beat Master Chief? Only time will tell.