Return Of Cheap Gaming Goodness
A couple of weeks ago, I made another trip to Mankato. This time it wasn't for a job interview, it was for more games.
The first place I went was the mall to make a stop at Gamestop. This was the main reason I was there. I wanted one of the new black DS lites. they had them here at Walmart, but we don't have crap for games here for any system, so I decided to run to Mankato. I needed a game to play on the system, and I didn't want some game that doesn't make use of the touch screne, so I got Trauma Center: Under The Knife. That was all I planned on getting, but then I saw the Grans Theft Auto collection for $10, so I picked that up too. (game count--4)
Then I made my way to Target and once again they didn't let me down. I found Max Payne 2 and the Megaman Anniversery Collection. I also saw Mr Driller Drill Spirits for $14, but I figured I could get it cheaper at Gamestop. (game count--15. Megaman had 10 games on the disk)
Next stop was the strip mall Gamestop. didn't find as much this time, but I got Grand Theft Auto (now I had the first 3 games for PS1 and PC. I will probobly sell the PS1 versions.) I also got ECW Hardcore Revolution for PS1, D&D: Eye Of The Beholder for GBA, and Escape From Monkey Island for PS2. Unfortunatly Mr Driller was $20 :( (game count--19)
On my way home I met Casey at Target in New Ulm and bought Primus (a Transformer figure.) While looking at the cheap games (mainly for him since he only has 2 or 3 games) I found Harvest Moon: More Friends Of Mineral Town. I also found Mr Driller for $12 :) I am glad I waited.
Final Count--21 games for $120. I think I beat my old record (it comes to about $5.71 per game, VS $6.36)