This almost makes me want to pre-order Tekken 6.
I've never been a huge Tekken fan, although I do admit they are great games. Among my friends I am the black sheep, preferring Mortal Kombat, or the Soul Caliber portion of the Tekken universe.
But I want the Cardboard Tube Samurai skin!
Update--10:15 PM: I was talking to Jason at work today, and during break Tekken 6 came up. looks like I will probably be getting it if I want to have any sort of a chance in the traditional "Theres a new Tekken game, lets have a King OF The Iron Fist Tournament" Tournament. The reigning champion, Caleb will probably walk away with the trophy again (yes we all throw in a few bucks to get a trophy made. remember this is the same group of guys that had title belts for Smackdown) but it should still be a fun night of hanging out with friends and playing video games.
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