The Iceman's Game Journal

After seeing Tim's Game Diary, I started this blog to give me some incentive to actually finish some of the 461+ video games I have (of which I have finished 41.) Hope it works.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Railroaded--Red Dead Revolver

Not sure if it's an indicator of how bad I am or how bad the game is, but I died a lot.

First, the train taking me and the sheriff to Brimstone was attacked by bandits. fought my way to the back of the train, then had to make my way to the front to find out what happened to the enginieer. rescued him and then had to keep him safe till we got clear.

so what was wrong? On the way to the back there were several times when I had a target dead in my sights, but I aparently missed. Then I got killed once by an aparently super powered Melee attack because apparently I couldn't pull my gun while standing on some wooden crates. Then on the way back to the front the jumping was inconsistant, sometimes allowing me to jump over obsticles, sometimes not even though I was the same distance away each time. Ducking wasn't much better,sometimes not even registering.

And then the guarding mission. Not sure how many times I had a Head Shot on a target, but ether missed of hit an arm. Apparently I had to have the cross hairs pointed at their nose before it was considered a head shot.

Glad that one is done. I got "Hatchet" Schultz, a $100 bounty, a total of $532 bounty collected, and an upgrade to the owl rifle.

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