The Iceman's Game Journal

After seeing Tim's Game Diary, I started this blog to give me some incentive to actually finish some of the 461+ video games I have (of which I have finished 41.) Hope it works.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

RWF Results--November 17, 2006

The guys just left, and after much trash talking and several Nerf darts fired (2 of which are still missing) we finished our first night. the Intercontinental, WWE, World, and Tag Team titles were handed out, with the US and Woman's title still to go (why do I get the feeling I'm going to end up with the Woman's title.

Dan went home with the WWE title, and He and Jairus won the Tag Titles. Jason S won the IC title. I didn't win a single match, mainly because I suck. I had trouble getting up, and it wasn't until towards the end that I started to get a hang of the reversal system.

The best match of the night was easily the Money In The Bank Match for the World Title. While I didn't win, I did do a lot to help Jason Parker, who was playing as Kurt Angle, to win. I almost won, but then Ric Flair (dan Parker) knocked over the ladder. In the end I think I did the most good, whether it was keeping teem WWE (Jairus and Dan) from winning or protecting Jason.

So far Team WCW (me and Jason P) are off to a shaky start. We won the World title, but due to my inexperience we lost a lot of matchs. I'm definetly playing a bunch of SVR 2k5 and DOR, which has a similar reversal system to SVR 2k7 for 360. Next time we get together I might not win a title, but I will take home a win.

(BTW. Jason S and Caleb are team AWA.)

PS: The Cruiserweight title was on the line too. No physical belt, but it was still on the line. I think Caleb won that one, but I'm not sure. Jason P and I were talking about setting up a web site for all this, but we are still talking about it.


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