The Iceman's Game Journal

After seeing Tim's Game Diary, I started this blog to give me some incentive to actually finish some of the 461+ video games I have (of which I have finished 41.) Hope it works.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Defeat the Fifth Colossus--Shadow Of The Colossus

Holy crap this guy was tough. Fist I had to find him. Not to hard, but not the easiest task either. Finally found him and the Dormin said to use my bow and arrows to get it's attention. So I did. Next thing I know I'm holding on for dear life to this flying beast's wings as it's flapping them! Got onto it's back and saw that it didn't have any fur on it's head, so I head for the next logical place to look for a week point, it's tail. It was there so I took it out, but he wasn't done yet. I headed back towards the head, but then it banked and I didn't grab it's fur soon enough, sending me for a swim. Finaly managed to get to a platform and found that it had decided to change it's flight patern, so I had to change positions and timing if I wanted to get back onto it.

Once on it's back, i looked around and notices fur on it's wing tips. sure enough that is where the other two week points were! (there was one on each wing.) Killed it and was rewarded with one of the coolest videos yet, and the shadow tendrils actually scared me, because it was quite a while from the time it died to the time they caught me. The music even stopped playing for a bit before they got me, causing me to jump when they did.

On to the next one!

5 Colossi down, 11 to go.


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