The Iceman's Game Journal

After seeing Tim's Game Diary, I started this blog to give me some incentive to actually finish some of the 461+ video games I have (of which I have finished 41.) Hope it works.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Train--Resident Evil Zero

After watching the trailer for Resident evil 6 and reading about the game as well as Revelations and the new movie, the new CGI movie, and Racoon Citty, coming out, I decided to try to play through the main series before 6 comes out.  I have all the core games (Except Revelations, which I will be getting once it comes out in a few weeks) and decided to go chronologically, starting with Zero.

and BTW.  Except for the light from my computer monitor and laptop screen (I'm recording a Bela Lugosi marathon off TCM on it), I am playing this game with the lights of.  as Primus intended :)

After a cut scene establishing that this all takes place before the Arkley Mansion incident (the first game) a cut scene is shown of a train, which is soon attacked by some sort of giant leach things.  a few hours later, disturbing reports of murders are coming in and a S.T.A.R.S. team is sent to investigate.  And there is some guy watching all this.  Their chopper has engine trouble but the land.  Not the best landing, but at least everyone survived.  While searching the area (the forests near Raccoon City, they find a Military Police transport van and a couple dead guards.  According to a file found in the van, they were transporting a visitor named Billy Coen.  Convinced that he is responsible, the team splits up, with Rebecca Chambers going off on her own.  She soon finds the train as it starts to rain.

Rebecca entered the train.I've never liked the controls in the classic games (basically all of them up to 4) and keep trying to move the camera or turn using the C-Stick like I would the right analog stick on the 360 controller.  but I will have to get used to them.  The door to the Dining Car was locked, so I headed to the door on the other end of the train.  When I entered the room, Rebecca IDed herself as a member of Bravo Team.  There was a radio playing and some dead guys.  When she bent down to pick up the radio, a few of them stood up.I killed them (taking the first one out with a head shot.  not bad for not being used to the controls) and did some exploring.

In the next car, I found some sleeping quarters.  I explored one cabin and found a dead guy and some ammo and first aid spray.  Also in his cabin was a diary that said that he was part of an investigative team investigating the ruins of the Arkley Mountains facility.  They are working on something called the T-Virus.  In the next cabin I found  an Ink Ribbon, Typewriter, Green Herb, more ammo, and Investigation Orders.  They were hard to read due to being covered in blood, but apparently the Arklay Mountains facility is 8 miles north of Raccoon City and is a Management Training facility for some company.  They have been shut down and the investigation is into whether or not they should be reopened.

After saving I continued down the car.  I found the conductor's office, but it was locked.  Around the corner I found a body with the Train Key.  When I went to pick it up, Billy showed up.  He realized that Rebecca was a member of S.T.A.R.S. and walked away.  she threatened to arrest him, but he ignored her.  As she stood there, one of her teammates crashed through the window.  He said that the woods were full of zeds and monsters and then died.  A couple Zed-dogs followed and I killed them.

The door at the end of the car was locked, but the Train Key had a tag that said Dining Car.  So I headed back towards it.  Killed a few zeds on the way.  When I got back to that first car, a teammate tried contacting Rebecca.  He had been searching the transport van's wreckage and found out that Billy  was insane and killed 23 people.  I killed another zed and entered the dining car.

Cut scene time.  Billy showed up and wants to team up.  Rebecca doesn't like that idea, so Billy says he will wait there and see how she does.  Since the door on the main level was locked, I took the stairs.

At the top of the stairs I found a box of ammo and what looked like a survivor.  Unfortunately it wasn't as the guys head fell off and a bunch of those slug things from the intro movie fell out of his body.  They formed a zed that had a longer reach.  I fired at it and eventually a cut scene started.  They were trying to take over Rebecca!  good thing Billy came running.  He shot them off of her and they retreated.  They heard some singing and it was coming from the guy who watched the earlier attack.  The slugs were going towards him!  Then the train started moving.  Billy and Rebecca decided to team up, with Rebecca heading towards the front of the train to try to stop it.

I headed to the back of the car and found a ladder leading to the roof.  I saw some cut wires and reconnected them, and then Billy fell through the roof.

He landed in a  kitchen of sorts.  Grabbed some ammo, a Green Herb, a first aid spray, and the key to the conductor's office.  Unfortunately the door was stuck.  Switching t Rebecca, who was still on the roof, I entered the now working Automatic Door and found an actual kitchen,  There was nothing in there, but I did find a dumbwaiter and an access hatch that needed a special took to open.  I sent the Conductor's Office key down to Rebecca.

Headed back to the conductor's office.  Once there, I found a green herb, a red herb, a map of the train, and a briefcase that was locked.  I also pressed a button that opened a ladder to the lounge. I made my way across the lounge and to the next car where I found more herbs (red and green) and an Ice Pick.  That might work to open the door Billy is stuck behind.  I found a cabin that had some ammo, a first aid spray, and a hunting rifle.  But I didn't have room for most of that stuff so I left it and went back to the kitchen.  As I entered the lounge, I was attacked by a giant Scorpion thing.  I wasted more ammo then I would have liked killing it, but I got it.  I also found the Panel Lever, but I didn't have room for it so I left it there for now.

I passed the ice pick to Billy, who opened the door and encountered some zeds that were on fire.  Met up with Rebecca and doubled back to get the Panel Lever and the briefcase, as well as the Hunting Rifle (Have to have a shot gun when fighting zombies.) Encountered a few zombies (where do they keep coming from?) but nothing too tough.  Got that stuff and went back to the kitchen to open that hatch in the floor.

Crawling through the crawlspace between cars, I came out on the other side and was attacked by a couple Zed-Dogs.  Killed them and found the Gold Ring, which I combined with the Briefcase.  After that car I found the Hookshot.  Went back towards the first car I was in (After the one I started in) and used the Hookshot to get onto the roof as Rebecca (Billy weighed too much) and found a hole in the roof.  Dropping down I killed a zed and found the Silver Ring, which also combined to unlock the briefcase.  Inside was the Blue Key Card, which I needed to get to the Engine.

When I left the room, the leach eggs outside hatched and I enjoyed the squishing sound they made as I stepped on them.  Rejoining Billy, we headed towards the front of the train.

I used the blue key card to open the door.  A cut scene followed showing some soldier talking to a couple guy; one is a lab coat and the other wearing sunglasses (Wesker!)  They wondered how the T-Virus got out and infected not only a lab (probably the one from the Investigation Orders) and the Mansion (not sure what that means.  Oh wait.  it's the mansion from the first game!)  Then the soldier and another one who was int he control room were attacked and killed by slugs.

The engine was destroyed, but hopefully the breaks weren't.  I grabbed the magnetic Card and left Rebecca in the control room while Billy ran to the back of the train (where I got the hook shot) to unlock the manual breaks and enter the first part of the code.Switched to Rebecca, who entered the rest of the code and threw the breaks.  By some miracle it stayed on the tracks, but switched lines and crashed into a depot inside a mountain.



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